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The Practical Guide to Concealed Carry

The Practical Guide to Concealed Carry

Regular price $16.95 USD
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Why would anyone ever need a gun in a bookstore or coffee shop?

Perhaps you’ve heard the question. The answer is simple: you don’t get to decide where and when someone else will commit a crime. All you can do is respond. And make no mistake, you are the first responder. The police can’t be everywhere, and it takes them minutes to respond when seconds count. You can sway the odds in your favor by avoiding areas of higher risk and improving your overall awareness, but the bottom line is that criminals decide where and when they will act. It’s up to you, and you alone, to be prepared. If you have decided to prepare, then this book is for you.

Simply buying and carrying a gun means virtually nothing. Without training in a host of areas, only part involving gun handling, you’ll have significant gaps in your personal and family protection strategy.

The Practical Guide to Concealed Carry will propel you into the “planning and preparation” lifestyle. Good planning leads to success, and the best way to start your planning journey is to embrace reality ruthlessly. 
We’ll discuss strategies for living a more “switched-on” and observant lifestyle in detail, along with the right responses to many of today’s potentially defensive encounter scenarios.

Includes real-life case studies of crime incidents where armed citizens have defended themselves from criminal attacks. You’ll learn valuable lessons on the right and wrong responses.

The Practical Guide To Concealed Carry will help you learn how to take responsibility for protecting yourself and your family.

Topics addressed include:

  • Are you ready to carry a firearm?
  • The dangers of a false sense of security!
  • Improving your situational awareness.
  • Less lethal options.
  • All about handguns for self-defense.
  • What you need to know about the law.
  • What do guns really do?
  • What you need to know about ammo.
  • How to carry a concealed handgun.
  • Range versus defensive shooting.
  • Learning to shoot defensively.
  • Daily concealed carry strategies.
  • Continuing your defensive education.
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